Snapshot of university communities in Marketing academia, based on CB, Modeling and Strategy placements
1. Zamudio, César, Suyun Mah, and Vanitha Swaminathan. 2025. Old signals, new era: Reconsidering how customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction impact shareholder wealth. Forthcoming, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
2. Grigsby, Jamie, Meg Michelsen, and César Zamudio. 2025. Service Ads in the Time of Generative AI: Disclosures, Trust, and Intangibility. Forthcoming, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
3. Zamudio, César, Jamie Grigsby, and Meg Michelsen. 2025. RAISE: A New Method to Develop Experimental Stimuli for Advertising Research with Image Generative Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Advertising. Visit our website, AI Ad Design Lab, to learn how to create ads using image generative AI!
4. Wang, Yiru, César Zamudio, Meg Meng, and Robert Jewell. 2024. Short and Sweet: How Information ontent Shapes Online Review Helpfulness. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 34(2), 143-162.
5. Wang, Yiru, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2023. The More They Know: Using Transparent Online Communication To Combat Fake Online Reviews. Business Horizons 66(6), 753-764.
6. Raoofpanah, Iman, Chris Groening and César Zamudio. 2023. Review Reader Segmentation Based on the Heterogeneous Impacts of Review and Reviewer Attributes on Review Helpfulness: A Study Involving ZIP Code Data. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 72, 103300.
7. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Jamie Grigsby. The Novice Nose Knows: How Olfactory Knowledge Shapes Evaluation Confidence. 2023. International Journal of Market Research 65(4), 448-465.
8. Grigsby, Jamie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2022. Not So Bad After All: How Format Influences Review Writer’s Post-review Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21(6), 1365-1377.
9. Grigsby, Jamie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2022. A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words: Using Depicted Movement in Picture-based Ads to Increase Narrative Transportation. Journal of Advertising 52(4), 594-612.
10. Pew, Ethan, César Zamudio and Meg Meng. 2021. Beyond Perception: The Role of Gender across Marketing Scholars’ Careers, in Reply to Galak and Kahn. Marketing Letters 32, 313-323.
11. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2021. Imagine That! Stimulating Consumers' Imagination for Scented Product Omnichannel Success. Rutgers Business Review 6(3), 333-349.
12. Meng, Meg, Grigsby, Jamie and César Zamudio. 2020. Spritz or Showcase? Gender, Uncertainty, and Fragrance Evaluation. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 11(4), 343-360.
13. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2020. What's in a Name? Scent Brand Names, Olfactory Imagery, and Purchase Intention. Journal of Product and Brand Management 30(2), 281-292 (see Web Appendix here).
14. Schweiger, Simone, Tatiana Stettler, Artur Baldauf and César Zamudio. 2019. The Complementarity of Strategic Orientations: A Meta-Analytical Synthesis and Theory Extension. Strategic Management Journal 40(1), 1822-1851.
15. Yeh, Marie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2018. An Investigation of Age and Gender Differences in Children's Preferences Underlying Choice. Young Consumers 20(1), 14-28.
16. Mills, Paul and César Zamudio. 2018. Scanning for Discounts: Examining the Redemption of Competing Mobile Coupons. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46(5), 964-482. (Funded by the MSI "Mobile Platforms" Research Grant 2013)
17. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2018. Unlocking Competitiveness Through Scent Names: A Data-Driven Approach. Business Horizons 61(3), 385-395.
18. Zamudio, César. 2016. Matching with the Stars: How Brand Personality Determines Celebrity Endorsement Contract Formation. International Journal of Research in Marketing 33(2).
19. Mendoza, Karla, Sergey Anokhin, and César Zamudio. 2015. Uncovering the Influence of Social Venture Creation on Commercial Venture Creation: A Population Ecology Perspective. Journal of Business Venturing 30(6), 793-807.
20. Zamudio, César, and Meg Meng. 2015. Which Modeling Scholars Get Promoted, and How Fast?
Customer Needs and Solutions 2(1), 91-104.
21. Zamudio, César, Sergey Anokhin, and Franz Kellermanns. 2014. Network Analysis: A Concise Review and Suggestions for Family Business Research. Journal of Family Business Strategy 5(1), 63-71.
22. Zamudio, César, Yu Wang, and Ernan Haruvy. 2013. Human Brands and Mutual Choices: An Investigation of the Marketing Assistant Professor Job Market. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41(6), 722-736.
Work in progress
Optimizing Business-to-Business (B2B) Collaborations in the Cultural and Creative Context (with Brian Brown)
Under review
Stand Out from the Crowd! Sparking Online Consumer Curiosity for Gender-Neutral Fashion Apparel (with Meg Meng and Yiru Wang)
Under review
Incongruent , but I get it! How Cognitive Processing Modes and Narrative Transportation Drive Engagement in Virtual Reality Product Advertising (with Meng-Hua Hsieh and Xiaowei Guo)
Under review
One Award Too Many? How Visible Awards Influence Consumer Behavior (with Frederik Beuk and Marie Yeh)
Manuscript in preparation
Jack of All Trades, or Master of None? How Service Portfolios Signal B2B Online Reputation (with Mayoor Mohan)
Data collection in progress
1. Zamudio, César, Suyun Mah, and Vanitha Swaminathan. 2025. Old signals, new era: Reconsidering how customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction impact shareholder wealth. Forthcoming, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.
2. Grigsby, Jamie, Meg Michelsen, and César Zamudio. 2025. Service Ads in the Time of Generative AI: Disclosures, Trust, and Intangibility. Forthcoming, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
3. Zamudio, César, Jamie Grigsby, and Meg Michelsen. 2025. RAISE: A New Method to Develop Experimental Stimuli for Advertising Research with Image Generative Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Advertising. Visit our website, AI Ad Design Lab, to learn how to create ads using image generative AI!
4. Wang, Yiru, César Zamudio, Meg Meng, and Robert Jewell. 2024. Short and Sweet: How Information ontent Shapes Online Review Helpfulness. Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 34(2), 143-162.
5. Wang, Yiru, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2023. The More They Know: Using Transparent Online Communication To Combat Fake Online Reviews. Business Horizons 66(6), 753-764.
6. Raoofpanah, Iman, Chris Groening and César Zamudio. 2023. Review Reader Segmentation Based on the Heterogeneous Impacts of Review and Reviewer Attributes on Review Helpfulness: A Study Involving ZIP Code Data. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 72, 103300.
7. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Jamie Grigsby. The Novice Nose Knows: How Olfactory Knowledge Shapes Evaluation Confidence. 2023. International Journal of Market Research 65(4), 448-465.
8. Grigsby, Jamie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2022. Not So Bad After All: How Format Influences Review Writer’s Post-review Evaluations. Journal of Consumer Behaviour 21(6), 1365-1377.
9. Grigsby, Jamie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2022. A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words: Using Depicted Movement in Picture-based Ads to Increase Narrative Transportation. Journal of Advertising 52(4), 594-612.
10. Pew, Ethan, César Zamudio and Meg Meng. 2021. Beyond Perception: The Role of Gender across Marketing Scholars’ Careers, in Reply to Galak and Kahn. Marketing Letters 32, 313-323.
11. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2021. Imagine That! Stimulating Consumers' Imagination for Scented Product Omnichannel Success. Rutgers Business Review 6(3), 333-349.
12. Meng, Meg, Grigsby, Jamie and César Zamudio. 2020. Spritz or Showcase? Gender, Uncertainty, and Fragrance Evaluation. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing 11(4), 343-360.
13. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2020. What's in a Name? Scent Brand Names, Olfactory Imagery, and Purchase Intention. Journal of Product and Brand Management 30(2), 281-292 (see Web Appendix here).
14. Schweiger, Simone, Tatiana Stettler, Artur Baldauf and César Zamudio. 2019. The Complementarity of Strategic Orientations: A Meta-Analytical Synthesis and Theory Extension. Strategic Management Journal 40(1), 1822-1851.
15. Yeh, Marie, Robert Jewell and César Zamudio. 2018. An Investigation of Age and Gender Differences in Children's Preferences Underlying Choice. Young Consumers 20(1), 14-28.
16. Mills, Paul and César Zamudio. 2018. Scanning for Discounts: Examining the Redemption of Competing Mobile Coupons. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46(5), 964-482. (Funded by the MSI "Mobile Platforms" Research Grant 2013)
17. Meng, Meg, César Zamudio and Robert Jewell. 2018. Unlocking Competitiveness Through Scent Names: A Data-Driven Approach. Business Horizons 61(3), 385-395.
18. Zamudio, César. 2016. Matching with the Stars: How Brand Personality Determines Celebrity Endorsement Contract Formation. International Journal of Research in Marketing 33(2).
19. Mendoza, Karla, Sergey Anokhin, and César Zamudio. 2015. Uncovering the Influence of Social Venture Creation on Commercial Venture Creation: A Population Ecology Perspective. Journal of Business Venturing 30(6), 793-807.
20. Zamudio, César, and Meg Meng. 2015. Which Modeling Scholars Get Promoted, and How Fast?
Customer Needs and Solutions 2(1), 91-104.
21. Zamudio, César, Sergey Anokhin, and Franz Kellermanns. 2014. Network Analysis: A Concise Review and Suggestions for Family Business Research. Journal of Family Business Strategy 5(1), 63-71.
22. Zamudio, César, Yu Wang, and Ernan Haruvy. 2013. Human Brands and Mutual Choices: An Investigation of the Marketing Assistant Professor Job Market. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41(6), 722-736.
Work in progress
Optimizing Business-to-Business (B2B) Collaborations in the Cultural and Creative Context (with Brian Brown)
Under review
Stand Out from the Crowd! Sparking Online Consumer Curiosity for Gender-Neutral Fashion Apparel (with Meg Meng and Yiru Wang)
Under review
Incongruent , but I get it! How Cognitive Processing Modes and Narrative Transportation Drive Engagement in Virtual Reality Product Advertising (with Meng-Hua Hsieh and Xiaowei Guo)
Under review
One Award Too Many? How Visible Awards Influence Consumer Behavior (with Frederik Beuk and Marie Yeh)
Manuscript in preparation
Jack of All Trades, or Master of None? How Service Portfolios Signal B2B Online Reputation (with Mayoor Mohan)
Data collection in progress