Download the syllabus here.
Software packages
Assignment 1: Part1 Part2
Assignment 2: Part1
Assignment 3: Assignment
Assignment 4: Assignment
Assignment 5: Assignment
Assignment 6: Assignment Pack will be delivered via e-mail.
Useful examples for lectures
Useful material
Download the syllabus here.
Software packages
- SPSS: Please install the latest SPSS (Version 23). You should be able to obtain it from the university.
- MATLAB: Install the latest version of MATLAB as indicated during the first classes.
Assignment 1: Part1 Part2
Assignment 2: Part1
Assignment 3: Assignment
Assignment 4: Assignment
Assignment 5: Assignment
Assignment 6: Assignment Pack will be delivered via e-mail.
Useful examples for lectures
- Lecture 1: MATLAB mySums example, mySums verification in Excel, mySums explanation.
- Lecture 2: Binomial log-likelihood computations with simple table, Binomial log-likelihood computations with fancy table, displaytable.m, Binomial log-likelihood computations with plots.
- Lecture 4: Normal log-likelihood estimation with MLE, Normal log-likelihood function
- Lecture 5: Nagelkerke R² paper
Useful material
- Books
- Martinez and Martinez (2007) - Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB.
- Maddala (1983) - Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics.
- Train (2009) - Free Ebook! Discrete Choice Methods With Simulation.
- My cheat sheet (Last updated: 8/3/2013)
- MATLAB MIT cheat sheet (2007)
- Karen Kopecky's MATLAB cheat sheet
- Documentation example
- Oleg Komarov's REGSTATS2 package: Includes many computations for regression including White-robust Standard Errors
- Hang Qian's Econometrics Toolbox - Great resource with Econometric models
- My handout (based on Prof. Selin Malkoc's handout) - Numerous resources inside!
- Giant Data Analysis with SPSS handbook (
- IBM SPSS Manuals (Start with the "Brief Guide")
- Data coding and measurement
- My notes on data coding (Washington U. in St. Louis)
- My notes on Measurement and Scale Design (Washington U. in St. Louis)